Warcraft III: Human Hero and Units

Human Heros


The Archbishop, Alonsus Faol, prior to the Second War, founded the Order of the Knights of the Silver Hand. The holy knights, or paladins, as they are commonly called, led the battle against the evil orcs and helped to save the lands of Lordaeron from ruin. Though it has been nearly fifteen years since the end of the Second War, the paladins still work selflessly to protect humanity from the gnawing jaws of evil. Empowered by the Light, these mighty warriors brandish both their warhammers and holy fire in the battle against all who would trample the meek and innocent. 


By channeling the positive energies of the Light, paladins can form a wave of healing energy to mend their comrades’ wounds. This holy energy is also capable of causing damage to the undead and their dark masters.


Empowered by the Light, paladins can surround themselves with an impenetrable barrier of positive energy. While they are encased in it, physical and magical attacks cannot do them any harm. 


The mere presence of a powerful paladin can instill great courage and inner strength in those around them. This powerful, spiritual surge actually increases the defensive capabilities of those gathered near the paladin. 


By invoking the grandeur of the Light, mighty paladins can bring recently slain comrades back to life – enabling them to fight on for justice, freedom and the glory of Lordaeron.


Hailing from the magical kingdom of Dalaran, the Archmagi represent the pinnacle of magical power. Weaving their intricate enchantments, these crotchety old wizards defend humanity with all the magical powers at their disposal. Mounted atop their trusty unicorn steeds, the Archmagi brandish magical blades and ancient staves that serve to channel their fierce energies in battle. Though gruff and slightly aloof, these experienced wizards are a heartening sight upon any battlefield where the fate of humanity lies in peril.


One of the Alliance’s most feared spells, Blizzard has become even more effective and deadly since its original inception during the First War. Calling down shards of freezing ice to batter and rend their enemies, Archmagi have been known to route entire armies using this spell. 


By use of this spell an Archmage can summon and control a powerful elemental comprised of water and air vapors. These creatures, capable of hurling torrents of rock-solid water at their enemies, cannot remain in the physical world for long. Thus, after a short length of time, they will vanish and return to their base liquid forms. 


Some Archmagi are so powerful that their very presence enhances the energies of the spellcasters around them. These magical synergies manifest in an aura of brilliance, which increases the younger spellcasters’ energy pools so that they can cast spells more often. 


This extremely powerful spell allows the Archmage to teleport himself and his army to any friendly units or buildings in the world. However, due to the delicate nature of Mass Teleport, Archmagi can only teleport to places where someone they know currently is.

 Mountain King 

The mountain kings, or 'Thanes' as they are known in Ironforge, are the mightiest dwarven warriors of Khaz Modan. Wielding both enchanted warhammers and battle-axes, these fierce fighters live to test themselves against worthy opponents. Unconcerned with their race's preoccupation with mechanical devices and the mining precious minerals, mountain kings live only for battle. Dedicated to safeguarding the Alliance that saved their kingdom during the Second War, the mountain kings can be counted upon to rally behind any banner that stands between freedom and the ever-looming shadow of evil. 


The dwarves of the Aerie Peaks often practice hurling hammers, for sport and for war. But, only the mountain kings of Ironforge can hurl a hammer so hard that it stuns their enemies senseless. Thus, the Storm Bolt is one of the most dangerous and powerful attacks of the mighty mountain kings. 


First used by Murgen Hammerfall to decimate a swathe of invading gnolls in the Alterac Mountains, this powerful ability allows the mountain kings to slam the ground and cause destructive shockwaves of energy to damage their nearby enemies. 


Mountain kings who learn the Bash technique strike with such fury that their normal attacks can often stun and crush an enemy. 


By focusing the energies of the dwarves’ “newly discovered enchanted heritage”, the mountain kings can grow in size and strength – and take on the physical characteristics of carved stone. In this form, they are impervious to magical attacks and have greatly increased durability.

Human Units 


Peasants are the hard-working and stouthearted citizens of Lordaeron. They serve as the backbone of the Alliance by mining the gold and harvesting lumber necessary to build up Lordaeron’s military defense forces. Roused by the tales of the orcs’ atrocities during the Second War, the peasants have learned to use both pick and axe to defend their communities if threatened. 


Peasants of the Alliance have the ability to arm themselves at any town hall so that they can better fight off invading armies. Though the peasants are capable of saving their towns from surprise attacks on their towns, they are always glad to give up their weapons and go back to their regular duties.


The vast ranks of the Alliance armies have been replenished since the devastating battles of the Second war. Trained in the arts of swordsmanship, the stoic Footmen of the Alliance serve as Lordaeron’s first line of defense. Armed with broadswords and heavy kite shields, footmen are capable of breaking any enemy charge. 


By placing their shields at a precise angle and bearing down against oncoming opponents, footmen can deflect incoming fire from enemy piercing attackers. Though this tactic does slow the footman’s movement, it is an invaluable skill when employed against piercing attackers.


Though the hearty knights of Azeroth were destroyed during the First War, the shining knights of Lordaeron still continue to serve amongst the warriors of the Alliance. Wading into combat astride their noble warhorses, the knights are renowned for cutting bloody swathes through enemy ranks. The knights' speed and mobility mark them as some of the most versatile warriors of the Alliance.


Despite the high elves’ official departure from the Alliance, some elves still remain true to their former human and dwarven allies. The altruistic priests of Quel’Thalas refused to abandon their roles as healers and agreed to remain in Lordaeron despite the edicts from their reclusive masters in Silvermoon. The high elven priests use their Light-given powers to heal the wounded and bolster the spirits of Lordaeron’s fighting elite. 


The mages of Dalaran discovered a way to bring out the potential of the warrior’s fighting spirit and essentially wreathe them in their own spiritual energies. This has had the overall effect of making the Alliance warriors more resistant to damage and better able to deal damage. 


Many wars have been turned by this simple spell that allows priests to counter the spells of some of the most accomplished wizards. While not necessarily flashy, this spell’s effects should never be underestimated. 


The positive energies of the Light can be channeled to create a healing energy wave. This technique, developed first by the high elves, and later taught to humans, has remained relatively unchanged since its original discovery.


As with the elven priests, the elven sorceresses who remained in Lordaeron paid little heed to their race’s departure from the Alliance. These female magic users, serving as agents to the Kirin Tor of Dalaran, use their arcane powers to aid the Alliance in times of peril. Although their powers are not always used directly in combat, the sorceresses are able to aid their comrades with a wide array of specialized conjurings and magical effects.


The Kirin Tor has developed a technique that envelops a person in a field that reduces kinetic energy. This spell actually pulls the energy directly from the creature trying to move and attack, and channels it into the ground, causing the creature to have reduced attack and movement speeds. 


This form of illusion has come back into widespread use since the days of the Second War. It creates a magical field around a person that does not impede the passing of light. Thus, normal people simply see directly through the invisible person. However, any attempts to attack or cast spells while invisible will cause the invisibility to dissipate. 


Long ago, this spell was considered to be the ultimate insult to the enemy. It has the ability to turn any enemy into a mere sheep for a limited duration of time.

Water Elemental 

One of the Archmage’s greatest powers is his ability to summon mighty Water elementals to aid his comrades in combat. These mindless, hulking forms of water can take massive punishment from enemy units while delivering tremendous blows in return. Water elementals were a favorite tool of the Conjurors of Azeroth during the First War, and now the enchanted creatures have come to aid the defenders of freedom once again.

Mortar Team 

Armed with their innovative exploding shells, the stalwart mortar teams of Ironforge are capable of blasting apart enemy ranks from long range. These fearless dwarves are masters of explosive devices and relish in pounding fortified enemy emplacements to dust. 


The flare is a chemically charged shell that, when fired by a dwarven mortar team, can reveal areas and enemies that are difficult to see, or otherwise cloaked by invisibility or Shadowmeld.


The brave dwarven Riflemen have faithfully protected their mountain kingdom of Khaz Modan ever since the battle of Grim Batol. Yet, as new threats arose to threaten their hard-won freedom, they offered their expert skills and tenacity to the Alliance. Using the legendary single-shot Blunderbuss Long Rifles, riflemen are excellent marksmen and can shoot both land based and airborne opponents. 


The ingenious dwarven engineers, taking a nod from their inventive gnomish cousins, constructed the ultimate airborne scout vehicle. The gyrocopters are small but versatile flying machines that can cover great distances at speed and evade enemy ground forces. Though the contraptions are somewhat rickety, they are armed with mounted cannons and bombs, and piloted by the daring – if not insane – dwarven pilot corps.

Steam Tank 

These cumbersome, heavily armored vehicles are mobile siege weapons piloted by brave and sometimes reckless dwarves. Their heavy weaponry is too cumbersome to target enemy units and can only be used on buildings.

Gryphon Rider 

The daring dwarves of the Wildhammer clan have responded once again to the call and brought the mighty gryphons of the Aerie Peaks to aid the Alliance in its time of need. Armed with their trusty, lightning-powered Stormhammers, the fearless wilddwarves seek to keep the skies of Lordaeron free from enemy forces. The proud gryphons share their riders’ implacable resolve and stand as noble symbols of the Alliance’s fortitude.

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