Warcraft III: Night Elf Heros and Units

Night Elf  Heros

Keeper of the Grove 

The enchanted keepers are the favored sons of the demigod, Cenarius. Like their lesser dryad sisters, the keepers appear to be half night elf and half stag. They have enormous antlers and manes of leaves that flow down their backs. Their right hands are disfigured and twisted like the gnarled rootclaws of the treants. Keepers possess many strange powers over nature and the animals. Though they typically remain within the sacred Moon Glades of Mount Hyjal, the keepers always heed the call to arms when the lands of Kalimdor are threatened. 


The sons of Cenarius are favored with the ability to cause roots to erupt from the ground and entrap enemy forces. These roots not only keep the enemy immobile, but also inflict damage. FORCE OF 


This ability allows the keeper to call forth allies from the surrounding forest. These stout treants will do as the keeper wills until the magic that animates them expires and the trees return once more to the earth. 


While this aura is active, any forces that engage the keeper or his allies in hand to hand combat will be damaged by a druidic flurry of razor sharp thorns and brambles.


In a demonstration of his ultimate communion with nature, the keeper may call down a mighty shower of rain that will restore health to all friendly forces within its range for its entire duration. The keeper is also healed by the majestic powers of nature that are unleashed.

Priestess of the Moon 

The fearless leaders of the Sentinel army, the priestesses of the moon epitomize the power and grace of their race's ancient moon goddess, Elune. The priestesses, equipped with silvery, glowing armor, ride the fearless Frostsaber tigers of Winterspring into battle. Charged with the safekeeping of the night elf lands and armed with magical energy bows, the priestesses will stop at nothing to rid their ancient land of evil. 


Empowered by the goddess Elune, night elf warriors possess the ability to completely blend in with their surroundings between sunset and sunrise, rendering them invisible to their enemy. This effect, however, can only be achieved while the warriors are standing completely still. 


The scout is an owl that may be sent to any area of the map for observation purposes and to reveal invisible enemies. The owl will only reveal for a limited amount of time. 


Calling upon the powers of the Moon Goddess Elune to imbue her arrows with searing magical energy, the priestess is able to fire deadly volleys at any foe. 


The commanding presence of the priestess boosts the morale of her warriors, enabling their attacks to strike with heightened accuracy and power. 


At the peak of her experience, the priestess may call down a furious shower of falling stars that cause massive destruction amongst enemy forces. This catastrophic power, given to the priestess by Elune herself, achieves its full duration as long as the priestess stays in the spell’s vicinity.

Demon Hunter 

Demon hunters are dark, shadowy warriors who are shunned by the greater night elf society. They made a pact, long ago, to fight against the forces of chaos using its own terrible powers against it. These mysterious warriors ritually blind themselves so that they develop spectral sight that enables them to see demons and undead with greater clarity. They wield demonically charged warblades in battle and even call upon demonic energies to augment their formidable combat skills. Although they are counted as some of the mightiest warriors within the night elves' society, the demon hunters are always maligned and misunderstood for making their selfless pact with darkness. 


With evasion, the demon hunter gains the advantage of being able to dodge enemy strikes. Although this does not work against every strike, it is nonetheless a powerful defensive tactic. 


The demon hunter’s mastery of dark powers allows him to create a fiery shell around his body that inflicts damage on nearby enemies. This ability, however, takes tremendous concentration to use and will quickly drain the demon hunter of power if used too often. 


The demon hunter may channel his demonic energies into a bolt of negative energy that will burn away an enemy’s mana reserves. 


At the height of his powers, the demon hunter may change into demon form for a limited amount of time. While in this form the demon hunter not only possesses the ability to hurl fireballs, but also enjoys increased regeneration and health.

Night Elf Units 


Wisps are ancient spirits of nature that inhabit the forestlands of Kalimdor. Legends say that Wisps are actually the disembodied spirits of deceased night elves, but these rumors have yet to be proven. The wisps act in unison with the night elves and serve to strengthen the demigod-like trees known as the Ancients. Beckoned by the night elves, Wisps are capable of animating various trees and expanding themselves into rough-hewn structures of living wood and stone. 


All Wisps possess the ability to self-terminate, negating any magical effects in the immediate area, and draining enemy forces within the vicinity of mana. 


This ability allows the wisp to use its healing powers to mend friendly night elf structures and mechanical units. This ability costs a minimal amount of gold and lumber. 


Archers compose the first rank of the Sentinel army. These brave warrior women are expert marksmen and use the concealing forests of Kalimdor to their advantage. Their lightning-quick ambushes are legendary, for few warriors can match the proud archers' speed and cunning. Like all night elf women, archers have the ability to Shadowmeld at night.


Empowered by the goddess Elune, night elf warriors possess the ability to completely blend in with their surroundings between sunset and sunrise, rendering them invisible to their enemy. This effect, however, can only be achieved while the warriors are standing completely still.


Huntresses are the elite cadre of the Sentinel army. Drawing their strength from the moon goddess, Elune, these warrior women ride the feral Nightsaber panthers into battle. Huntresses are strong and swift, and merciless to those who would defile the sanctity of Ashenvale Forest. Like all night elf women, Huntresses are able to Shadowmeld at night. 


Empowered by the goddess Elune, night elf warriors possess the ability to completely blend in with their surroundings between sunset and sunrise, rendering them invisible to their enemy. This effect, however, can only be achieved while the warriors are standing completely still. 


This ability enables the huntress to see through the eyes of her owl familiar, allowing her to spy on enemy positions. The owl will perch at a tree permanently, unless the tree is destroyed.


The enchanted dryads are the daughters of the demigod, Cenarius. The playful, frolicking creatures vaguely resemble centaurs (their cursed cousins), but have bodies more akin to woodland fauns. Swift and sure, the dryads are at peace with all of the children of the forest. Though they abhor unnecessary violence, the dryads will defend the wildlands of Kalimdor with their lives if need be. 


The daughters of Cenarius can gain the ability to abolish all harmful magic and undo the works of enemy sorcerers who recklessly wield their powers in an affront to nature. 


With this ability, the dryad herself is immune to magic in all forms. This is an innate ability that does not rely upon stored mana and does not diminish over time.

Druid of the Claw 

These ancient druids have adopted the totem of the bear and use the powers of their totem to defend their society from any external threats. When not in hibernation, they are fond of assuming bear form and roaming in seclusion throughout the wildlands of Kalimdor. When riled, the druids of the claw display ferocious power and stamina. Their magical spells augment their allies' fighting skills and bravery as well. 


The power of their spirit totem allows the druids of the claw to assume the form of a mighty bear. In battle, the ferocity of these beasts is legendary. 


This power allows the druid of the claw to heal over time. This ability may be used on the druid himself, or on nearby allies who have been wounded over the course of battle. 


Tapping into the primal forces of nature and the raw power of his totem, the druid of the claw can roar during battle, encouraging his allies to inflict increased damage upon the enemy.

Druid of the Talon 

These secretive druids have adopted the totem of the storm crow. Their primary role in society is information gathering and intelligence. They have the ability to transform into storm crows and fly over the field of battle to scout and deliver orders to distant troops. Their magical abilities are capable of channeling even the winds to fight against the enemies of Kalimdor. 


The druid of the talon may use the power of his spirit totem to transform into a giant storm crow. While in this form, the druid can fly, enabling him to cross almost any terrain. 


Using his totem’s power to channel the chaotic forces of the wind, the druid of the talon may create a furious cyclone that will lift enemy forces high into the air and then drop them back onto the ground, where they will be slowed for a limited amount of time. 


This ability, when cast, strips an enemy unit of its armor for a limited duration of time. While the spell is active, the druid may observe the enemy no matter how great a distance may separate them.


Treants are enormous enchanted beings whose bodies are born of the living trees of Kalimdor. They guard the forests of Kalimdor and are counted as some of the eldest beings alive. Treants are tremendously strong and resilient to even the strongest blows. In time of peril, they can be seen emerging from their shadowy forests to protect the land from evil and corruption.


Hippogryphs are ancient, magical beasts whose bodies resemble both stags and ravens. They patrol the skies above Kalimdor and viciously attack any enemies of the wilds that they encounter. The intelligent hippogryphs have given their allegiance to the night elves in honor of Cenarius, demigod, who stands as the protector of nature and all of its creatures.

Hippogryph Rider 

In the heat of battle, night elf archers can call upon the mighty hippogryphs to carry them into the air. The archers who mount the flying beasts are capable of firing their arrows from the hippogryphs’ backs. The brave creatures respond to the female riders as if they shared an empathic bond.


The mysterious chimaeras of Ashenvale Forest are deadly, territorial beasts who have developed an empathic bond with the night elf race. The fearsome, two-headed chimaeras fly above the dark forests spewing forth their terrible breath upon all who would defy the sanctity of Kalimdor. Just the sight of these dark, massive beasts is enough to drive most enemies to retreat.


Crafted from the sturdy ashenwood trees, the night elves’ ballistae are deadly siege machines built to fling heavy bolts of ironwood at both enemy forces and structures. Ballistae are considered an invaluable asset to the night elf Sentinels due to their mobility and accuracy in tense combat situations.

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