Warcraft III: Orc Structures

Great Hall 

The great hall is the core stronghold of any orc clan. Using this structure, orcs process lumber and gold from mining operations are processed. Raw materials pilfered from enemy camps are added to the war chest. In time, the great hall can also be more heavily fortified.


Barracks provide lodging for the orc troops. Sometimes a place of dissension within the lower ranks, the barracks houses not only orcs, but also bloodthirsty trolls. Here catapults are assembled and readied for war. 


These structures serve dual purposes: they act not only as farms for the harvesting of various roots and crops, but also as fortified bunkers for the peon workers to hide in during times of attack. Increasing numbers of these structures provide food to support the amassing of additional troops.

War Mill 

An invention of the crafty trolls, this structure maximizes potential by serving as a mill for lumber as well as a forge for weapons smithing. Here weapons and armor are tirelessly reworked for maximum efficiency. Trolls here can also create one of their most useful fortifications: spiked barricades.


As clan technology advances, necessity dictates stronger fortifications and the ability to process the increasing income derived from pillaging enemy forces. This advancement enables the introduction of the shaman caste within the orc ranks. In time, the stronghold can be further modified to accommodate clan development.

 Altar of Storms 

Once used to channel the demonic energies of the Burning Legion, these altars have been retooled by troll masons. Using the rediscovered elemental abilities of the shamans, these altars serve as a kind of "gate" to revive fallen warriors. When a hero dies, his spirit can be recalled at these altars to continue service for the horde.


Using their kinship with the creatures of the wild, shamans and wyverns have struck a beneficial alliance. The deadly wyverns attack units both on land and in the air with equal efficiency. Raiders and giant kodo beasts, who have also been recruited into the ranks of the horde through shamanistic influence, are trained at this facility

Spirit Lodge 

The spirit lodge is a place of quiet contemplation where shamans and troll witch doctors meditate and refine their mastery of arcane magic. Having abandoned their practice of necromancy, magic users within the horde have found different ways to combat their enemies. Witch doctors manipulate chemicals within the body and in the environment, while shamans command the forces of nature.


Once orc technology reaches its height, construction of the Fortress may begin. Far more formidable than even the stronghold, the fortress provides a siege-resistant command base. With the addition of spiked barricades, a Fortress may daunt even the most hostile foe. 

Watch Tower

The horde's mighty watchtowers serve as the last line of defense for most orc towns. These sturdy structures were created to not only stand guard over various orc holdings, but to detect and identify invisible or magically cloaked enemies as well.

Tauren Totem 

The proud, noble tauren, having allied with the orcish horde, reside here and hone their abilities through contact with their spirit totems. This structure allows the mighty tauren to make use of the Pulverize ability, a technique that damages enemy forces and adds a unique tool to the tauren’s already wide-ranging arsenal.

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