Warcraft III: Undead Structures


The necropolis serves as the central command structure of the undead army. Lumber harvested by ghouls is processed and loyal acolytes train for tasks from their undead masters. Even when unattended, the vengeful spirits of the dead protect the necropolis from enemy attackers. In time this structure can be further modified to become the halls of the dead.


At this site, undead minions are summoned into the service of the Scourge. Here gargoyles are made animate and given deadly attack capabilities. Ghouls are trained to cannibalizing fallen foes to renew strength. Crypt fiends are empowered to cast their inescapable webs.


Servants of the Undead tirelessly study the arcane arts in an effort to imbue weapons and armor with unholy power. The graveyard, like the necropolis, is able to process lumber for weapon and armor construction. This building also pulls fresh corpses from deep within the earth, exhuming them for use by the vile necromancers.


These towers of the ancient spider kingdom of Azjol-Nerub are called into service once again to provide a source of raw energy for undead forces. Several ziggurats are required to sustain a high number of Scourge warriors. In time, these towers can be further empowered to provide protection.

Spirit Tower 

Once infused with the restless spirits of the vengeful dead, spirit towers present a formidable defense. The wraiths of the tower attack with supernatural efficiency, and quickly add enemy forces to the ranks of dead. Multiple towers in an undead city will chill the heart of even the most courageous foe.

Halls of the Dead 

As the presence of the Undead in the living world grows stronger, further modifications to the command structure become necessary. Transforming a necropolis into the halls of the dead gives the Scourge power to raise more ancient structures and advance their cruel efficiency. With continued advancement, the halls of the dead may be further modified.

Temple of the Damned 

Once used by the orcish horde to channel demonic energies, the Scourge has now reclaimed this powerful edifice. From the Temple the insidious necromancers emerge to animate fallen corpses and the tormented spirits of the banshees are called into service.


Meat at the slaughterhouse is used to serve the twisted purpose of the malevolent Scourge. Grotesque, monstrous abominations are pieced together and instilled with the single purpose of killing. Meat wagons are constructed to lob plague-infected body parts at the enemy

Altar of Darkness 

This structure serves as a channeling nexus for the Scourge’s dark restorative powers. When a hero falls in battle, his essence may be recalled to this site, where it is given new, unholy life. Provided that the building stands and resources are sufficient, undead heroes will not stay dead for long.

 Black Citadel 

When the powers of the Undead in the living world become fully manifested, further modifications to the halls of the dead become necessary. Building of the black citadel allows the Scourge to operate at peak efficiency. Along with this modification comes increased fortification, making the black citadel a truly formidable stronghold.


The boneyard is the home of the frost wyrms, once magnificent dragons now reduced to skeletal frames, manipulated by the dark magic of the Scourge to serve the Lich King. Frost wyrms have a crippling ability to cast their freezing breath onto enemy forces and buildings. In large numbers, frost wyrms present a truly dominating force.

Sacrificial Pit 

The sacrificial pits of Azjol-Nerub were used long ago to sacrifice enemy forces in exchange for success in battle. Undead forces may be sacrificed at this location to call forth a shade, an invisible wraith capable of spying on the enemy, detectable only through magic.

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