Warcraft III: Night Elf Structures

Tree of Life 

The mighty tree of life is an enchanted sapling of the World Tree, Nordrassil, from which the night elves draw their life energies. This mysterious ancient is the key to the night elves’ immortality and harmonious coexistence with nature. Nordrassil’s energy, channeled through the tree of life, allows the night elves to benefit from its powers regardless of the vast distances that might separate them. 


The night elf ancients possess the ability to consume nearby trees to restore vital health. When ancients are being attacked, resorting to this technique can prove to be a powerful healing tactic. 


All ancients may root and uproot. This ability provides the ancients with the mobility to either attack or relocate when the need arises. 


It is necessary for the tree of life to entangle a gold mine with its massive roots before nearby wisps will be able to harvest from it. As long as the mine is entangled, gold from the mine may be processed to fuel the night elf economy.

Moon Well 

Moon Wells are hallowed repositories of the sacred waters of the Well of Eternity, the pool of energy that gives life to the mystical World Tree. When additional water is added, these wells nourish the night elf troops with their life sustaining waters. Additional moon wells become necessary as the night elf forces grow in number. 


Using the concentrated waters of the Well of Eternity, Moon Wells can replenish both the mana and health of friendly forces that drink from it. At nighttime, the well’s waters regenerate to be used again the next day. 

Ancient of War 

Embodied in this ancient guardian are the spirits of courage and determination that are necessary to propel the will of the night elves. Calling upon the longforgotten energies of conflicts from ages past, this guardian provides a link to the brutal side of nature and the cycle of life and death that rules all creation. 


The night elf ancients possess the ability to consume nearby trees to restore vital health. When being attacked, resorting to this technique can prove to be a powerful healing tactic. 


All ancients may root and uproot. This ability provides the ancients with the mobility to either attack or relocate when the need arises.

Hunter’s Hall 

This hall is a place where the materials of war are imbued with the night elves’ mystical enhancements. Wood and steel are fashioned into the stout armor using established traditions and methods stretching back thousands of years, as the spirits of the Ancient Guardians are invoked and their blessings bestowed upon each completed work.

Ancient Protector 

The early purpose of these primeval guardians was to defend the resting places of the druids as they slept. Called now into service for the Third War, these wardens dedicate their existence to the defense of their brethren and the forested lands of Ashenvale. These mighty ancients can also hurl enormous boulders at any enemies who threaten the tranquility of the night elves’ villages.


The night elf ancients possess the ability to consume nearby trees to restore vital health. When being attacked, resorting to this technique can prove to be a powerful healing tactic. 


All ancients may root and uproot. This ability provides the ancients with the mobility to either attack or relocate when the need arises.

Tree of Ages 

With the passage of time, a tree of life may grow into a tree of ages, tempering the balance of nature and forging a bond strong enough to allow advanced development within the night elf community. With this evolution comes increased knowledge, wisdom and awareness. 


The night elf ancients possess the ability to consume nearby trees to restore vital health. When being attacked, resorting to this technique can prove to be a powerful healing tactic. 


All ancients may root and uproot. This ability provides the ancients with the mobility to either attack or relocate when the need arises. 

Ancient of Wind 

Ancients of the wind are able to tap into the more feral side of nature. The ancient of the wind allows contact with the stoic druids of the talon. This site also provides a location for the taming of the mighty hippogryphs. 


The night elf ancients possess the ability to consume nearby trees to restore vital health. When being attacked, resorting to this technique can prove to be a powerful healing tactic. 


All ancients may root and uproot. This ability provides the ancients with the mobility to either attack or relocate when the need arises.

Ancient of Lore 

The ancients of lore are the keepers of wisdom, and the living keys necessary to unlock nature’s most guarded secrets. Contact with the venerated druids of the claw is only made possible through the existence of this enlightened sentinel. The knowledge of this ancient is necessary also to enable communion with the enigmatic, free-spirited dryads. 


The night elf ancients possess the ability to consume nearby trees to restore vital health. When being attacked, resorting to this technique can prove to be a powerful healing tactic.


All ancients may root and uproot. This ability provides the ancients with the mobility to either attack or relocate when the need arises.

Altar of Elders 

So powerful is the night elf bond with nature, that even upon their death, their life energies may be recalled, and their spirit made tangible in the waking world once again. For this to occur, a nexus must be constructed, a channeling place to collect and restore life energies. This place is the altar of elders.

 Tree of Eternity 

Once a tree of ages reaches its full maturity, it evolves into a tree of eternity. This is the highest level of growth, and the strongest possible bond with the World Tree and the Well of Eternity. At this point the night elf community is at its height, drawing freely from the tree’s nearly unlimited power.

Chimaera Roost 

Only with the evolution of the tree of eternity do the feral chimaeras feel content to allow for training and enhancement through night elf intervention. This kinship is necessary to fully realize the benefits of the chimaera alliance.
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