Here you can find every single hack, cheat and trick to get advantage in WarCraft III. This going to get the victory and won't lose a game any more. It's perfect to complete the campaign. You'll can even beat PC insane in 1 Vs 11.
To activate each trick you must previously press the "Enter" key and enter a code. Here we will know that it will be correct when a notification appears at the bottom of the screen. Not avaliable in multiplayer mode.
Codes: 🙊
greedisgood: To get 500 de gold and 500 de lumber
keysersoze 99999: To get 99999 gold.
leafittome 99999: To get 99999 lumber.
whosyourdaddy: we will be invincible and we will kill the rival with one blow.
iseedeadpeople: To show the whole map.
allyourbasearebelongtosu: Instant victory.
thereisnospoon: Infinite mana.
strengthandhonor: Disable defeat
pointbreak: not supply limit.
thedudeabides: Not cooldown for abilities.
warpten: building faster.
sharpandshiny: everything is improved on one level
motherland Race Level: to choose the level of the campaign that we want, the race is (human, orc, nightelf or undead) and the level (01, 02, etc)
synergy: disable skill tree.
whoisjohngalt: investigation faster.
riseandshine: It gets dawn
lightsout: It gets dark
itvexesme: You can't win.
iocainepowder: You die faster
somebodysetupusthebomb: Lose